My Why
I hope to inspire you to bring more creativity, beauty and joy into your life to increase your quality of life which will also have a ripple effect on those around you.
Manifesto for Sally Evans Art
Bringing art into your space is not just about creating a pretty room.
It is about creating a beautiful life.
Art can transform a room and how you feel.
Your home and work space can be welcome and nurturing when they reflect you and the things that bring you joy.
Paying attention to what brings you joy and bringing more of it into your life is a gift to yourself and others.
Surround yourself with beauty at every opportunity.
Everyone is creative in some way.
Drawing, sketching, or making art is accessible to anyone that has the desire to try.
Practice slowing down to savor the moments of your life.
Practicing self acceptance and self love is an act of love that benefits us all.
Joy and kindness can be contagious, in a good way!
How we feel, and what we do and say matters and has a ripple effect.